I stumbled upon this
The Great Elephant Poo Poo Paper Company when I was researching Canadian paper suppliers. Well, this one does have a US distributer in Texas but hey, you can get it in Toronto. This company products paper made from elephant dung. I had the same reactions as some of you, yuck!
However, when you read into their process, they wash and then boil the dung first. What they use is the leftover fibre content that passes through the animals after they eaten. The paper consists of grasses, bamboo and fruit plus the banana and pineapple fibres added in during the process.I like the that their products are environmentally sustainable and part of the proceed go to conservation and wellfare programs for elephants. No matter what, every animal has to 'go' and might as well use it if you can.
I think the best product on their website are silhouette journals. The design and art is clean and simple and I love the soft colours. I just wish there were more pages, I always carry my journals and they fill out quickly with my ideas.
If you want to try to craft, the noteboxes consists of paper if you want to fold origami from it. Personally, I wouldn't use it as convienant scraps to jot down notes like post-its. It's more of a conversation piece when you describe the material a handmade project is made from.

If you want to try to craft, the noteboxes consists of paper if you want to fold origami from it. Personally, I wouldn't use it as convienant scraps to jot down notes like post-its. It's more of a conversation piece when you describe the material a handmade project is made from.
If the size is too small for you, you can probably ask for larger sheets, the site said that they have a larger product line in the retail stores or you can contact then and ask.
I would like to get some to test it out with origami. When I get some time, I'll ask for a one or two sheet sample and let you know!
Where do you get these noteboxes? I used to get them to give to friends, but have not been able to find them lately.
Great readinng
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