Tuesday, November 8, 2011

West Coast Origami on Hiatus

If you’ve been following me or my Cindy Ho Designs Blog for a while, you’ll recall that my family decided to rebuilt our house and in a year, I’ll get my new studio!  We just moved out and the reality check is sinking in.  I have to give up crafts.  He knows this is painful.

My brother and sister in laws were very generous to allow our family move into their house to avoid renting.  It has been made clear that space is limited and clearly defined space allocated for our things.  I have many boxes of supplies, books and paper and unable to bring any of them.

imagesCAPZXXBJIt was a difficult decision but West Coast Origami shop is on hiatus.  It wouldn’t be so bad because I’d craft for fun.  I’m sad because I have to stop entirely.

My new focus secondary to my family are on any projects that don’t require a lot of workspace.  Anything involving my laptop, my sketch book and my cross stitching.

However, have no fear, I will be back and hope you support me in this decision!

Have you ever had to stop doing what you love in order to grow that passion in the future?