Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Latest Projects: Origami Mini Cards

I have excess of tiny origami paper and didn’t know what to do with them.  I saw my stamps, had excess cardstock and it came to me.  Mini cards!  I always need tags for something and who doesn’t like a handmade card versus a store bought one? 

The peace crane birthday were the first ones I started making:


The tulip thank you card I started making last year. I’m thinking of discontinuing them.  I love them but they are time consuming for the prices I have to charge.  I’ll just start making them for myself to give away after they sell my last ones on Cargoh and Etsy.

tulip mini cards (1)

I made these origami heart cards last year and mentioned in this post way back in October.  I never got around listing these.  I ended up using them!  I been meaning to restock these but new project ideas got in the way.   Smile with tongue out


These are my latest mini card.  I found inspirational stamps in a dollar store and had to figure out a way to use them.  These are so popular, I’ve listed them only a couple of weeks ago on Etsy and they already received over a dozen hearts and listed is several treasuries.


Making these cards were so much fun! I’m trying to figure out how to make more!

What projects have you been working on lately?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Origami Audi A7 created completely from paper


Origami Audi A7 by Taras Lesko

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Carrot Placeholder for Easter Tutorial



Carrot Place Card Tutorial by mammafelice

One of my posts of my clothespin crafts gave one of my readers an idea for this simple but provoking place card!  I’m honoured that something I wrote inspired the creativity of fellow blogger

Okay, it’s in Italian, but it’s straight forward Smile

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Message in A Egg Tutorial

This is a chain tutorial –> Charlottesfancy to Poppytalk to PresentandCorrect to my blog Smile


Message in a Egg Tutorial by PresentandCorrect

It’s like a Fortune Cookie but with an egg shell. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Latest Projects: Thanks and Luv U Clothespin Tags



I’m addicted to cute clothespins.  I have more then I’ll ever need so I needed to make room for new cute clothespin. 

The flower and heart clothespins themselves were originally in my Artfire Shop as supplies.  I’d list them on Etsy when it made sense to closer to Easter and Valentines. Though lots of views, they weren’t selling outside the holidays.  I knew it was due to the photography.  Since I wanted to retake the photos anyways,  and needed to take a small break from origami, I crafted these tags.

IMG_2830These “luv u!” tags were added in an Etsy Treasury curated by AngelaDesign the day i listed. 

Love it!  I hope you like them too!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Feature Etsy Shop: Benagami

I saw this listing not too long ago and I cannot get over how beautiful this chess set is.  Benjamin Coleman, the artist of this beautiful piece of work is amazing.


Origami Bonsai Chess Set IV

Folding an origami chess set is advanced however, took it a step further with miniture bonsai flowers.  A level of skill and technique that very few can master.  I will definitely attempt to make one of my own one day, with a few more years of practice honing my own skills!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TEDxPhoenix 2010 Goran Konjevod - Organic Origami

This is a live speaker video of Garan Konjevod who explains that though origami has basic rules and techniques, new organic designs can still be made.

Organic Origami

Monday, April 4, 2011

Embroidered Eggs –Tutorial


Embroidered Egg Tutorial by Brett Bara

I saw this tutorial last year just after Easter.  I was completely blown away as I’ve never seen embroidered eggs before.